Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Here is my final project! I learned a completely new program from scratch just do to this (Adobe Character Animator).  Honestly, it felt very user friendly which I loved and I was able to catch on quickly.  I then put this into after effects to add a few things in and I love the way it turned out!

Motion Media (Typography)

Unfortunately, the creator of Spongebob did pass away recently, which makes this typography project even more sentimental.  I loved spongebob growing up, so incorporating the best song of the series into after effects and adding some fun animations to it was a blast!

Bouncing Ball in AE

I definitely enjoyed doing this in after effects. I have really started to like the program and how easy it is to do simple animations like this.  I hope I get to do more things like this in the future!


I picked one of my favorite video game characters to act out this one for me.  I tried to go with a retro style here to make it feel like you were playing a game that came out in the 90s.  However, this did lead to it being a bit choppy, but that's what 90s animation was like for video games!

Walk Cycle

Again, 2D animation which I'm not a huge fan of.  I could barely draw the peanut to begin which, which definitely wasn't a fun way to start.  Walk cycles aren't too fun to begin with, so adding the hand drawn portion to it made it less fun for me. 


I definitely did not have a fun time doing this.  I am poor at drawing in general, I can honestly barely stay inside lines when tracing something.  So, I obviously struggled with this project.  However, it was still an interesting way to interpret video footage that I have not done before.

Stop Motion Short Film

I tried to go for something very cute here as this was my "character appeal" project.  I got the sea turtles from Michael's and just tried to make them look as cute as possible! I enjoyed this one a lot more than the bouncing ball one. 

Bouncing Ball (Stop Motion)

This was an interesting project to undertake! I have never worked with stop motion before so it was fun trying to get all the timing down and everything like that.  However, it was definitely difficult as I didn't realize how fast I was progressing through the video so I had to reduce the frame rate drastically! Overall, it was a fun first project of the year.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Hello! My name is Jared Aubin and it is now my third year at the University of Tampa.  I wanted to change my major to Animation but I decided too late so I'm currently a Biology major.  My hobbies include Disc Golf, video games, and hanging with friends.  I recently adopted a cat. His name is Graham because he's the color of a graham cracker.  He is four years old and very energetic.  From this class, I hope to advance my skills by learning new and different forms of animation this semester.  I am excited for what this semester has to hold.